
Diet secrets behind Beyonce’s thin body

The pop star Beyonce, who just released a song via her website ‘Bow Down/I Been On’, admitted in back scenes of an interview with Shape magazine that she is not that kind of “a person that is naturally very thin. I am a person that has to work at keeping my body in shape.” But losing weight does not mean to eat poorly, but one has to take care of himself as Beyonce said “Not everyone is supposed to be the same. Be healthy and take care of yourself, but be happy with the beautiful things that make you, you.” And for those who are curious to know some of the star’s diet secrets here is what she said “I ate a very low-calorie diet. I stayed away from red meat and ate a lot of fish, replaced pasta and rice with quinoa.” “I always treat myself to one meal on Sundays when I can have whatever I want. Usually it’s pizza, which is my favorite indulgence.” she added.

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